Juan Alberto Ripoll



My name is Juan Alberto Ripoll, I was born in Argentina in 1941, in 1951 I began as an artist painting my house on the Tigre River, Buenos Aries province, Argentina, I did my military service in 1960 then I moved to Brazil where I continue to paint classics, I took A very important decision to move to La Antigua Guatemala in 1994, attracted by the latent nature and sculpted a bas-relief of the Tropical Rainforest, I continued to carve in wood a mural of 2.5 meters by 5 meters calle2d El Levantamiento Buda, inspired by a sunset. sun in the medieval pagodas of Kyoto that took me many years the education I received was similar to that of an Italian Renaissance artist.  My life has always been working in art from 1987 to the present I have worked in Kinetic Art taking my own style.  The works that you can see use the technique of low relief carved in wood covered with aluminum, which he called Holographic Laser Rays, which give life to the Kinetic Art of Juan Ripoll.




In his extensive artistic career, which ranges from wood carving to a very particular kinetic art, we see the germination of a true visual artist: a curious and inquisitive eye, which seeks answers that connect his intellect with emotions and finally arrives at science and purely scientific facts.  Undoubtedly, the magnificent portraits of him classify him as excellent, although later, his sense of observation takes him to that magical line of the artist that unites unity with the whole.  Nature, man, the universe come together in a kind of unique DNA that leads us to 1 + 1 = 1.  Carvings, murals, portraits, abstraction ... processes that take him on a path of processes that end in the true essence of the visual.  Cause-effect, experimentation, visual archive of the human interior.  Undoubtedly an art that delights us in its luminous walk towards truth, reality and the barely visible.  The kinetic, the light, the effects, optical movements.  Has it all.  It leads us to the whole starting from the original origin of this exceptional artist.



Spanish version: 

En su extensa trayectoria artística, que va desde la talla en madera hasta un arte cinético muy particular, vemos el germen de un verdadero artista visual: un ojo curioso e inquistitivo, que busca respuestas que llegan a conectar su intelecto con las emociones y finalmente llega a la ciencia y los hechos puramente científicos. Indudablemente sus magníficos retratos lo catalogan como excelente, aunque más tarde, su sentido de observación lo llevan a esa línea mágica del artista que llega unir la unidad con el todo. La Naturaleza, el hombre, el universe se unen en una especie de ADN único que nos lleva al 1+1=1. Tallas, murals, retratos, abstracción…procesos que lo llevan a un sendero de procesos que terminan en la verdadera esencia de lo visual. Causa-efecto, experimentación, archive visual del interior humano.Indudablemente un arte que nos deleita en su caminar Luminoso hacia la verdad, la realidad y lo apenas visible. Lo cinético, la luz, los efectos, movimientos ópticos. Lo tiene todo. Nos conduce al todo partiendo del origen primigenio de este artista excepcional.


 Lic. Jósé Angel Del Valle Mendizábal.

Historiador del Arte y Curador.


